Advance Decision

πŸ“Β What is an Advance Decision?Β πŸ“

An Advance Decision, also known as a β€˜Living Will’, is a legally binding document that allows you to refuse specified medical treatments in the future, should you lack the mental capacity to consent or refuse at that time.
It ensures your future care aligns with your wishes, even if you can't communicate them. πŸ—£οΈ

πŸ‘₯Β Who Can Write an Advance Decision?Β πŸ‘₯

  • Age and Capacity: Must be 18+ and have the mental capacity to understand the consequences. πŸŽ‚πŸ§ 
  • Voluntary Decision: Made without pressure or undue influence. 🀝
  • Specificity: Clearly specify which treatments you wish to refuse. 🎯
  • Life-sustaining Treatments: Must be in writing, signed, and witnessed for refusals that apply even if life is at risk. ✍️

❓ Key Questions for the Document ❓

  • General Details: Name, Date of Birth, Address πŸ“‡
  • Refusal of Treatment: Specify which treatments to refuse 🚫
  • Circumstances of Refusal: When should the refusal apply? πŸ“…
  • Life-Sustaining Treatment: Specify any refusals and confirm understanding πŸ’”
  • Duration of the AD: Permanent or for a specified period? ⏳
  • Views and Values: Any personal or religious beliefs? πŸ™
  • Review and Updates: Last reviewed or updated? πŸ”„

πŸ“‹Β Additional Information NeededΒ πŸ“‹

  • Witnesses' Details: Names, addresses, and signatures of witnesses πŸ–ŠοΈ
  • Medical Professional Consultation: Advisable to discuss with a professional 🩺
  • Additional Contacts: Family, friends, or legal representatives πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦
  • Revocation Statement: Clause revoking previous conflicting ADs πŸ”„
  • Date of the Document: To clarify the most recent decisions πŸ“†


Β£150 - Β£250

  • meet and discuss everything involved
  • draw up the document
  • deliver the document

There are several reasons why using a professional to prepare an Advance Decision document may be beneficial:


  1. Legal expertise: A professional can ensure that the document is legally binding and meets all the necessary requirements for it to be recognized and followed by healthcare providers.
  2. Medical knowledge: A professional can help explain the different medical treatments and procedures that may be involved, and help the individual make informed decisions about what they do or do not want to happen in specific circumstances.
  3. Clarity and specificity: A professional can help ensure that the document is clear and specific, reducing the risk of confusion or misinterpretation in the event that it is needed.
  4. Emotional support: Preparing an Advance Decision can be a difficult and emotional process, a professional can provide support and guidance throughout the process.
  5. Continual update: A professional can help you to review and update the document regularly to make sure that your wishes are still accurate and up to date.

Overall, using a professional to prepare an Advance Decision can help ensure that the document is valid, clear, and reflective of the individual's true wishes, which can provide peace of mind and help ensure that their wishes are respected in the event of a medical emergency.

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a light or other visible object serving as a signal, warning or a guide at sea or on land.
OR - a source of light and inspiration